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Christopher Walken

Kristofer Voken (eng. Christopher Walken) je američki filmski i pozorišni glumac, rođen 31. marta 1943. godine u Njujorku (SAD).

Rođen kao Ronald Voken u Kvinsu (Njujork, SAD), od oca Pola Vokena (nemači imigrant) i majke Rozali (škotski imigrant). Roditelji su mu bili pekari i on je posle škole radio u porodičnoj pekari. Ima dva brata Kena i Glena koji su bili deca glumci pedesetih godina. Pre početka filmske i pozorišne karijere bavio se plesanjem. Studirao je na Hofstra University (Long Ajland, Njujork), ali nikada nije maturirao.

Prvo pojavljivanje na televiziji je ostvario kao dečak u raznim antologijskim serijama i TV šouima. Nakon pojavljivanja u skeču The Colgate Comedy Hour, odlučuje da postane glumac. Sa deset godina dobija ulogu u televizijskom šou The Wonderful John Acton, gde je bio pripovedač. Tokom tog vremena popisivao se kao Roni Voken. Sledećih dvadeset godina je radio na televiziji i na svom eksperimentalnom filmu Me and My Brother, a pored toga uspeo je i na pozorištu. Na nagovor svog prijatelja 1964. godine menja svoje ime u Kristofer.

Godine 1971. dobija manju ulogu u filmu The Anderson Tapes, a godinu dana kasnije i svoju prvu glavnu ulogu u filmu The Mind Snatchers. Godine 1977. se pojavio u Vudi Alenovom filmu Annie Hall, gde je igrao brata Annie Hall koju je igrala Dajana Kiton. Kasnije je uglavnom dobijao uloge negativaca od koje su najpoznatije: Maks Zorin (Pogled za ubistvo), Frank Vajat (Kralj Njujorka), Gabrijel (Proročanstvo), Hiki (Poslednji čovek na nogama) i Hačer (Dobrodošli u džunglu). To su ujedno uloge sa kojima je ostvario najviše uspeha.

Venčao se 1969. godine sa Georgianne Thon (sada Georgianne Walken), sa kojom još nema dece.

???? The Boom Boom Room (in production)
???? Jersey Boys (pre-production)
????/II Pinocchio (pre-production)
???? Freezing People Is Easy (pre-production)
2014 Turks & Caicos (TV movie) (filming)
2013 Gods Behaving Badly (post-production)
2013 The Power of Few
2012 Chelsea Lately (TV series)
2012 Stand Up Guys
2012 A Late Quartet
2012 Seven Psychopaths
2011 Dark Horse
2011 Kill the Irishman
2011 The Legend of Harrow Woods (video)
2010 Life's a Beach
2009 30 Rock (TV series)
2009 The Maiden Heist
2008 $5 a Day
2008 Disaster! A Major Motion Picture Ride... Starring You! (short)
2007 Balls of Fury
2007 Hairspray
2006 Man of the Year
2006 Fade to Black
2006 Click
2005 True Crime: New York City (Video Game)
2005 Domino
2005 Romance & Cigarettes
2005 Wedding Crashers
2004 Around the Bend
2004 The Stepford Wives
2004 Envy
2004 Man on Fire
2003 True Crime: Streets of LA (Video Game)
2003 The Rundown
2003 Gigli
2003 Kangaroo Jack
2002 Caesar (TV movie)
2002 Catch Me If You Can
2002 Undertaking Betty
2002/II Engine Trouble (short)
2002 The Country Bears
2002 Poolhall Junkies
2001 The Affair of the Necklace
2001 America's Sweethearts
2001 Joe Dirt
2001 Scotland, Pa.
2000 The Opportunists
2000 The Prophecy 3: The Ascent (video)
1999 Kiss Toledo Goodbye
1999 Sarah, Plain and Tall: Winter's End (TV movie)
1999 Sleepy Hollow
1999 Vendetta (TV movie)
1999 Blast from the Past
1998 Antz
1998 Trance
1998 New Rose Hotel
1998 Illuminata
1998 The Prophecy II (video)
1997 Mousehunt
1997 Suicide Kings
1997 Excess Baggage
1997 Touch
1996 Last Man Standing
1996 The Funeral
1996 Basquiat
1996 Celluloid
1996 Ripper (Video Game)
1996 Privateer 2: The Darkening (Video Game)
1995 Nick of Time
1995 The Prophecy
1995 Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead
1995 Search and Destroy
1995 Wild Side
1995 The Addiction
1994 Pulp Fiction
1994 A Business Affair
1993 Wayne's World 2
1993 True Romance
1993 Scam (TV movie)
1993 Skylark (TV movie)
1992 Le Grand Pardon II
1992 Batman Returns
1992 Mistress
1991 All-American Murder (video)
1991 McBain
1991 Sarah, Plain and Tall (TV movie)
1990 The Comfort of Strangers
1990 King of New York
1989 Communion
1988 Homeboy
1988 Puss in Boots
1988 Biloxi Blues
1988 The Milagro Beanfield War
1987 Witness in the War Zone
1986 At Close Range
1985 A View to a Kill
1954-1984 Guiding Light (TV series)
1983 The Dead Zone
1983 Brainstorm
1982 American Playhouse (TV series)
1981 Pennies from Heaven
1980 The Dogs of War
1980 Heaven's Gate
1979 Last Embrace
1978 The Deer Hunter
1978 Shoot the Sun Down
1977 Roseland
1977 Annie Hall
1977 Kojak (TV series)
1977 The Sentinel
1976 Next Stop, Greenwich Village
1975 Valley Forge (TV movie)
1972 The Happiness Cage
1971 The Anderson Tapes
1970 Cleopatra
1970 Hawaii Five-O (TV series)
1970 New York Television Theatre (TV series)
1969 Me and My Brother
1969 The Three Musketeers (TV movie)
1966 Barefoot in Athens (TV movie)
1963 Naked City (TV series)
1956 The Boy Who Saw Through (short)
1954 The Motorola Television Hour (TV series)
1953 The Wonderful John Acton (TV series)

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