Wim Wenders ili punim imenom Ernst Wilhelm Wenders (Düsseldorf, 14. avgusta 1945.), nemački je filmski reditelj, fotograf i profesor za film na Visokoj školi za slikovne umetnosti u Hamburgu.
Rođen je u Düsseldorfu kao Ernst Wilhelm Wenders, što mu je i službeno ime, a ime Wim dobio je po želji majke koja je bila Holanđanka. Rodio se u porodici doktora hirurga što je verovatno uticalo da nakon završene gimnazije u Oberhausenu 1963. započne studije medicine u Freiburgu, na kojem se nije dugo zadržao prešavši na studije filozofije u Düsseldorfu. Ali, ni te studije nije dugo pohađao budući da je mladi Wim odlučio postati slikar zbog čega je preselio u Pariz gde je, na njegovu žalost, pao na prijemnom ispitu na Umetničkoj akademiji pa je bio prisiljen da radi kao graver na Montparnasseu u Parizu.
U Parizu je mnogo vremena provodio u Francuskoj kinoteci u kojoj je nekim danima gledao i po pet filmova gde je i zavoleo film što je uticalo na njegov daljnji životni put i opredjeljenje. Ubrzo se 1967. vratio u Nemačku pa je upisao, tek osnovanu, "Visoku školu za televiziju i film" u Münchenu.
Tokom studija koje su trajale tri godine, za vreme velikih studentskih demonstracija 1968. bio je uhapšem tokom protesta zbog pokušaja ubistva levičara Rudi Dutschkea. Dok je studirao počeo je stvarati kraće filmske radove, a nakon završetka studija počeo je režirati niskobudžetne filmove. Ujedno se, osnovavši producentsku kuću zajedno sa nekoliko kolega, počeo baviti i filmskom produkcijom i distribucijom filmova.
Tokom 70-tih godina počinje njegova ozbiljna filmska karijera koja neprekidno traje do današnjih dana i u kojoj je imao blistavih trenutaka i nagrađivan je sa više filmskih nagrada na mnogim festivalima. Inače obožava muziku i sarađuje sa mnogim poznatim muzičarima današnjice kao što su Ry Cooder, Willie Nelson, U2, Nick Cave i Lou Reed.
Filmografija - režiser:
2014 Every Thing Will Be Fine (pre-production)
2011 Mundo Invisível (segment "Ver ou Não Ver")
2011 Pina (documentary)
2010 If Buildings Could Talk (short)
2008 8 (segment "Person to Person")
2008 Palermo Shooting
2007 To Each His Own Cinema (segment "War in Peace")
2007 Invisibles (documentary) (segment "Invisible Crimes")
2005 Don't Come Knocking
2004 Land of Plenty
2003 The Blues (TV series documentary)
2003 The Soul of a Man (documentary)
2003 Other Side of the Road (short)
2002 U2: The Best of 1990-2000 (video documentary) (video "Stay Faraway, So Close!" / video "The Ground Beneath Her Feet")
2002 Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet (segment "Twelve Miles to Trona")
2002 Ode to Cologne: A Rock 'N' Roll Film (documentary)
2000 The Million Dollar Hotel
1999 Buena Vista Social Club (documentary)
1998 Willie Nelson at the Teatro
1997 The End of Violence
1995 Lumière and Company (documentary)
1995 Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky
1995 Beyond the Clouds
1994 Lisbon Story
1993 Faraway, So Close!
1992 Arisha, der Bär und der steinerne Ring (short)
1991 Until the End of the World
1990 Red Hot and Blue (TV movie) (segment "Night and Day")
1989 Notebook on Cities and Clothes (documentary)
1987 Wings of Desire
1985 Tokyo-Ga (documentary)
1984 Paris, Texas
1984 Docu Drama (documentary)
1982 The State of Things
1982 Reverse Angle: Ein Brief aus New York (documentary short)
1982 Room 666 (TV documentary)
1982 Hammett
1980 Lightning Over Water (documentary)
1977 Ein Haus für uns - Jugenderholungsheim (TV series)
1977 The American Friend
1976 Kings of the Road
1975 Falsche Bewegung
1974 Alice in the Cities
1973 The Scarlet Letter
1972 The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick
1970 Summer in the City
1969 3 American LPs (TV short)
1969 Alabama: 2000 Light Years from Home (short)
1969 Polizeifilm (TV short)
1969 Silver City (short)
1968 Same Player Shoots Again (short)
1968 Victor I. (short)
1968 Klappenfilm
1967 Schauplätze (short)
Filmografija - scenarista:
2011 Mundo Invisível (segment "Ver ou Não Ver")
2011 Pina (documentary) (screenplay)
2010 If Buildings Could Talk (short) (written by)
2008 8 (segment "Person to Person")
2008 Palermo Shooting (writer)
2007 Invisibles (documentary)
2005 Don't Come Knocking (story)
2004 Land of Plenty (story / written by)
2003 The Blues (TV series documentary)
2003 The Soul of a Man (documentary) (writer)
2002 Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet (segment Twelve Miles to Trona)
2002 Ode to Cologne: A Rock 'N' Roll Film (documentary)
1998 City of Angels (screenplay "Der Himmel über Berlin")
1998 Willie Nelson at the Teatro (writer)
1997 The End of Violence (story)
1995 Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky
1995 Beyond the Clouds
1994 Lisbon Story
1993 Faraway, So Close! (writer)
1992 Arisha, der Bär und der steinerne Ring (short)
1991 Until the End of the World (screenplay / story)
1989 Notebook on Cities and Clothes (documentary) (writer)
1987 Wings of Desire
1985 Tokyo-Ga (documentary)
1982 The State of Things
1982 Room 666 (TV documentary) (conception)
1980 Lightning Over Water (documentary)
1977 The American Friend
1976 Kings of the Road
1974 Alice in the Cities
1973 The Scarlet Letter (writer)
1972 The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick
1970 Summer in the City
1969 Alabama: 2000 Light Years from Home (short) (writer)
1969 Polizeifilm (TV short)
1969 Silver City (short) (writer)
1968 Same Player Shoots Again (short) (writer)
1967 Schauplätze (short)
Filmografija - producent:
???? The Boom Boom Room (executive producer) (in production)
2012 Sing Me the Songs That Say I Love You: A Concert for Kate McGarrigle (documentary) (executive producer)
2011 Pina (documentary) (producer)
2010 If Buildings Could Talk (short) (producer)
2010 Au revoir Taipei (executive producer)
2009 The Open Road (executive producer)
2008 The Clone Returns Home (executive producer)
2008 Palermo Shooting (producer)
2006 The House Is Burning (executive producer)
2005 Don't Come Knocking (executive producer - uncredited)
2004 Música cubana (documentary) (executive producer)
2004 Egoshooter (producer)
2004 La torcedura (short) (executive producer)
2003 Fools (producer)
2002 Junimond (producer)
2002 Half the Rent (producer)
2000 The Million Dollar Hotel (producer)
1997 The End of Violence (producer)
1997 Go for Gold! (producer)
1994 Lisbon Story (producer)
1993 Faraway, So Close! (producer)
1992 Arisha, der Bär und der steinerne Ring (short) (producer)
1992 The Absence (co-producer)
1991 Dream Island (producer)
1989 Notebook on Cities and Clothes (documentary) (producer)
1988 Yer demir gök bakir (producer)
1987 Wings of Desire (producer)
1985 Tokyo-Ga (documentary) (producer)
1980 Lightning Over Water (documentary) (producer)
1979 ...als Diesel geboren (documentary) (producer)
1979 Radio On (associate producer)
1978 Die linkshändige Frau (producer)
1977 The American Friend (producer)
1976 Kings of the Road (producer)
1974 Ein bißchen Liebe (producer)
1970 Summer in the City (producer)
1969 Silver City (short) (producer)
1968 Same Player Shoots Again (short) (producer)
1968 Klappenfilm (producer)
1967 Schauplätze (short) (producer)
Filmografija - glumac:
2011 Zwischen den Zeiten (short)
2010 Hitler in Hollywood
2010 Snowblind (video)
2010 Cronología (short)
2004 La torcedura (short)
2002 Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet
2000 The Million Dollar Hotel (uncredited)
1997 Tango Berlin
1995 Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky
1993 Neues Deutschland (TV movie)
1993 Ohne mich (short)
1992 Arisha, der Bär und der steinerne Ring (short)
1991 Dream Island
1987 Helsinki-Naples All Night Long
1985 King Kongs Faust
1984 Tausend Augen
1982 The State of Things
1978 Long Shot
1977 The American Friend
1977 Ein Haus für uns - Jugenderholungsheim (TV series)
1976 Kings of the Road
1974 Alice in the Cities
1972 The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick
1970 Summer in the City
1968 Liebe und so weiter
1968 Candy Man (short)
Website: | www.wim-wenders.com |